Fontao, Galicia

Poboado Fontao Mineiro is a small village of 200 inhabitants near other small communities of similar characteristics. It belongs to the Vila de Cruces Ayuntmiento. Is located 45 km from Santiago de Compostela, capital of Galicia and 150 km from Portugal with whom he shares traditions. We have two official languages, Galician and Spanish, but we communicate on a daily basis in Galician. 

Short history

Fontao is a mining town whose activities date back to antiquity, connecting with the myth of Greek and Phoenician sites of Casitérides islands, some authors placed in Galicia. In this long period of instability characterized the operation, through boom times and moments with little activity. It will be between the end of s. Nineteenth and early twentieth when we will see a new momentum. In the thirties, tungsten German demand was so intense that the price of the mineral rose esfuero requiring greater. It is at this time when their lives Fontao splendor, muhco work, money and fun ... although poor working conditions. After the war the tungsten falls into oblivion, no longer useful ... however the Korean War opens a window of hope for a new era of splendor ... here is part of the construction of the mining town of Fontao, exquisite piece of architecture, which failed to be functional at the time because the expectations were not met. He spent 40 years of neglect by the cessation of mining until finally in 2004 we live we new ...

Fontao The mining town was built between 1955 and 1958. It was soon abandoned in the time of economic decline of mining.  40years later was restored by the Institute of Housing and Galicia, putting homes for rent. In January 2005 79 families started living here. In recent years this number was growing.

Main industry
The only existing industry in Fontao is mining, whose production stopped 40 years ago. 

Main challenges
- Lack of public transport, we need to using own vehicle, high economic and environmental cost
- Need for greater investment by our municipality
- Difficulties in social integration, the town is made up of public housing, people living in very different socioeconomic and there is difficulty in the relationship between the people who have always lived here and newcomers

Local products
bakery in the environment
leather shop and clogs 

Local heritage
We have:
1 chapel
1 Film
1 restored mining town
Recreational Areas
People who are living treasures (pametnicy)
1 abandoned mine and 1 mining museum

Main actors
Asociación Veciñal Minas da Brea. 


About organisation
The neighbourhood association Brea Mines, was created in the mining town of Fontao in 2005 by 50 families of approx 79 that had just arrived to repopulate the newly refurbished town.
Our main objectives were for instance to solve logistical problems that arose but mainly to contribute to social integration through training and also recover the historical memory of our environment as far as possible.

Main activities we organised so far:
- Romería Minas da Brea Celebrated every year on December 6
- San Xoan (traditional festival to celebrate the summer solstice 6/24)
- training courses throughout the year 

Members of association:
Teachers, trainers, people interested in history, carpenters, mothers, house wifes…
We are planning to..
continue with the activity so far and add the creation of an oral history archive for the mining museum and creating organic gardens that serve as training for local farmers.